April 08, 2010


Now I'll paint ya a picture with my very own words

And as I do so, you'll simply observe

The world around me in which I see

Or maybe the world I'd like it to be..?

Either way, you will never know

This could even be fictional.

Outside are marching ants in red and white

In the clouds there are constant large planes in flight.

There are as many cars as people and their two feet

Rumble Bumbling on down the street

In the alleys are curious men with cans

And on the corners are bands with fans

The trees blooming buds at their tips

Unobserved, the season has already taken its dip

Dip and dive these days divide

People walk to their classes

No lookin in the others' eyes

The buildings stand still, they stand tall

The stores are always bustling at the local mall

As I window shop on my way to class

An old lady is fussing

She has been splish splashed

Her white blouse is tarnished! Now it is trashed.

The little boy on the corner

Licks his cone and admires his new kicks

The old man on the bus in the far back corner

Pulls out his crinkled and aged lottery tickets

Mumbling to himself like a saddened loner

To his right is a muddled stoner

The environmentalists,

With their high fashioned BUT eco friendly gear

look to the old man and stoner and sneer

Look above me and see a tree with droplets like a chandelier

I am the observer

Painting with my words

Can you see it all?

Or is this world plainly obscured

Schedules and meetings

And talking about the future

Right now, in the present, or sitting in a pew at church.

That is what we do best

Plan. plan. plan and plan

And look to the other man

see where he stands.

these people are too scheduled

I just want to take off and see the world

Jimminy Crickets and Jesus Jones

So many things to see and say

But I'm done with my art class 15 minute break

And that is Thursday so far today



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